
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Applying for a Green Card as an Asylee.

There are few topics more important these days than how to apply for citizenship.  It won’t get any easier and you have to take positive action as soon as possible.  As it now stands, if you have lived in the U.S. for one year since your grant of asylum, you can apply for a green card.  Your status could then become “lawful permanent resident”.

Your children and your spouse may also be able to apply for green cards at this time.  What was the date when you got your final approval for asylum?  In other words, on what date did the immigration judge sign to order that granted you asylum?  Now it is very important to apply for permanent residence as quickly as possible.

Rather than go into the specifics of why time is of the essence, why not have a trained attorney lead you through the process.  How about Baltimore area immigration and citizenship lawyer Briana Arnold?  Ms. Arnold has helped so many new Americans realize their dream of becoming a U.S. citizen.  Call her today at (410) 484-1400.

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