
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Christmas in America.

Since I have helped so many newly minted citizens assimilate into American life I would like to take a moment to celebrate Christmas in America.  This may be your first Christmas in the United States, but each and every year many of us observe this holiday in late December with much reverence.

Here are some facts about Christmas in America –

1.  Nine out of ten Americans say that they celebrate Christmas.
2.  Just over half of us are not challenged by the greeting “happy holidays”.
3.  A growing share of citizens say that religious symbols should not be on govt. property.
4.  Two-thirds of us believe that Christmas is based on historical fact.

Whatever your beliefs we at Arnold Law wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of holiday seasons as we get ready to welcome in 2019 on our calendar.  The new year will be challenging for immigration, but we will be here when you need us.  Just give me a call…Briana Arnold at (410) 484-1400.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Don’t Be Blindsided by Alimony Reforms.

In the last several years many U.S. states have gotten on the alimony reform bandwagon.  Until about 1980 the only alimony that could be awarded in the State of Maryland was technical alimony.  It was considered simply as a monetary allowance at stated intervals to a spouse when the two were living apart.

Whatever the future holds for alimony in The Old Line State know this…the courts are striving to maintain “the typical American family”.  What that meant in the last century is far different than its meaning today.  These days, the family model has a far different dynamic with the role of the husband and wife dramatically changing in some households.

To sort out the complexities of alimony and discover how much is owed by whom you call on the legal expertise of Baltimore Family Lawyer Briana Arnold.  From her office located at 1777 Reisterstown Road Suite 385 you will fully understand your rights to alimony in a Maryland divorce case.  Give Attorney Arnold a call today at (410) 484-1400.

Family Friendly Holiday Events in Baltimore

(Click the link above for more information)

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Baltimore, as the city is brimming with fun-filled seasonal events & holiday cheer. From downtown holiday spectaculars to beloved neighborhood traditions, there’s a sleighful of ways to have amazing holiday adventures."