
Monday, October 16, 2017

Big Changes Anticipated in the H1B Visa.

For many people, this particular visa will never show up on their radar, but for nearly 100,000 foreign workers entering the U.S. each year it is a very big deal.  Each year, several hundred thousand petitions are filed for H1B status. However, only 85,000 are selected through a random lottery system.

What is the purpose of H1B?  Quite simply, it is designed to fill gaps in the American workforce. 
As you might expect, there are exceptions and abuses, the H1B program provides invaluable and legitimate benefits to areas of the country that have limited access to U.S. workers.  President Trump has stated that he will eliminate the use of the H1B as a cheap labor program.

H1B visa recipients will continue to be a viable part of the nation’s workforce.  How might this effect you or people you know?  For any immigration question people have turned to Briana Arnold.  Attorney Arnold is a noted immigration lawyer in the Baltimore area.  Give her a call with your questions and concerns at (410) 484-1400.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Halloween Baltimore

(Click the link above for more information)

Make your Halloween Plans and don't miss out on all the spooktacular fun!


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Caution on the Baltimore Beltway.

If you have lived in our area for any length of time you are all too familiar with driving the beltway around Baltimore.  It is stop and go, speed up and stop, negotiate traffic jams.  Maybe there are metropolitan areas that have it worse, but this demands our complete attention every time we negotiate the drive.

There are bottlenecks everywhere.  Thousands of commuters pour in from Hartford county alone every day.  In the next 20 years the population is estimated to increase by nearly 40% and employment may be up as much as 50%.  Unfortunately, planning for that future traffic is moving as slowly as the traffic itself!

If you or a loved one is ever involved in an accident on the Baltimore beltway there is a name that you should remember.  Briana Arnold.  Attorney Arnold is a Baltimore County area car accident attorney.  She will not hand your case off to an associate.  For aggressive, attentive defense meet Briana Arnold in her Reisterstown Road office by calling (410) 484-1400.

"Miami is Nice" -A Golden Girls Inspired Art Exhibition

(Click the link above for more information)

October 07, 2017 - October 28, 2017